Flip the Script

You’ve tried living up to everyone else’s expectations. Isn’t it time to write your own story instead?

August 2, 2024 | 12-3pm ET

Pay what you wish | Suggested ticket price: $25

Recording will be sent to all registered attendees.

Everyone has an opinion on how to be successful: Rise and grind. Climb the ladder. Shove down your feelings and show up with a smile. When you hear these rules long enough, you start to believe they’re the only right way to be.

And in a society obsessed with profit and productivity, these rules are everywhere: passed down from parents, drilled into us at school, reinforced in our social feeds. But what if you measured success differently?

What rules would you write if success meant finding purpose, pleasure, or peace? Maybe you’d stop saying yes to every request that crosses your desk. Maybe you’d change jobs or industries. Or maybe you’d take that leap of faith—you know, the one that you’ve been daydreaming about for years.

If playing the part of “successful professional” has you feeling stuck, unsatisfied, or burned out—this event is for you. It’s all about throwing out the rulebook and forging your own path—even (or especially!) when it looks different from the status quo. You’ll hear from members of the Active Voice community who’ve changed their priorities and practices to enjoy more meaningful and satisfying lives—turning internal transformation into outward action.

During this virtual retreat you’ll learn how to:

  • Start again (and again) with Jen Dionisio

  • Go big when the world makes you feel small with Andrea Nwoke

  • Let go of who you’re supposed to be with Tiffy Riel, Rachel Caldwell, and Laura Costantino

  • Celebrate being “somewhere on the rainbow” with Jess Star

  • Rewrite your story with Sara Wachter-Boettcher

You’ll leave with insights and inspiration for how you too can rewrite your story any time you choose. And this half-day event is pay-what-you-wish, so you can reserve your seat for as little as $1.

Register now

Pay what you wish | Suggested ticket price: $25

Registering your team? Use the code TEAM at checkout to buy multiple tickets.

Event will be recorded and shared with all registered attendees

You'll receive Zoom information and reminders at the email you enter at registration. (If you already have an Eventbrite account, we recommend you use that email address!) 

By registering for an event, you agree to comply with our event code of conduct.

Event schedule

12-1:10pm ET: Throw out the rulebook

Start again. And again.

Jen Dionisio, director of coaching programs, Active Voice

Life is a cycle of beginnings and endings—which means a low moment will inevitably kickstart your next climb. In our opening session, Jen will explore the joys of reinvention. She’ll share ways to move forward when you feel totally lost—and how to prepare yourself for the journey ahead.

Go big when the world makes you feel small

Andrea Nwoke, founder and CEO, Full Voice Coaching & Consulting

Tentative. Watered down. Apologetic. Is this how you’re showing up to your life? If so, you’re not alone. It’s scary to take up space—but staying small has its own dangers and risks. In this session, Andrea will help you practice showing up to any room with the fullness of who you are.

5-minute break

1:15-2:10pm ET: Forge your own path

Panel: Let go of who you’re supposed to be

Featuring Rachel Caldwell, Laura Costantino, and Tiffy Riel. Moderated by Sara Wachter-Boettcher.

Since the day you were born, you’ve been told again and again who you should be, how you should act, and what you should care about. But when those instructions don’t fit, you can feel like there’s something wrong with you—but there’s absolutely not. Rachel, Laura, and Tiffy will share their stories about letting go of the world’s expectations—and leading with their own.

10-minute break

2:20-3pm ET: Flip the script

Somewhere in the rainbow

Jess Star, senior product designer, TeamSense

When the vision of that rainbow at the end of all of our work feels impossibly distant, it can be easy to only focus on moving forward—and not even notice the progress we’re already making. In this session, Jess will show you how to break away from standard stories of “productivity” and “success” (looking at you to-do list!), and start to celebrate what you have already accomplished instead. She’ll walk you through a tangible ritual to make your progress not just visible, but delightful and meaningful to you. You’re already in the rainbow, time to see it shine!

Rewrite your story

Sara Wachter-Boettcher, founder and CEO, Active Voice

You’ve heard how our speakers have flipped the script in their lives. Now it’s time to flip your own. We’ll close out the retreat with a session from Sara designed to help you pick a script that’s not serving you—and flip it for good. You’ll leave feeling ready to define success on your own terms, celebrate the progress you’ve already made, and tap into the self-trust you need to keep moving forward.

Headshot of Julia Drizin, a woman smiling with long dark brown hair and light skin.

What our clients say

“As someone who never saw themselves as a "leader" before, this program gave me the space, tools, and support to reflect on my strengths and values and really own them. It helped me shift my mindset so that I now show up to work unafraid to be my authentic self, knowing it's a strength rather than something I have to hide or compensate for.”

— Julia Drizin, UX researcher and Power Shift participant

Meet the presenters


Headshot of Andrea Nwoke, a Black woman with long dark hair, pink earrings, and pink lipstick.

Andrea Nwoke

Founder, Full Voice Coaching & Consulting (she/her)

Andrea helps leaders increase their self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and leadership skills. A classical singer who has worked with C-suite executives, she’s a pro at helping people find their voice and bring true presence to any room.

Headshot of Jess Drizin, a white woman with curly dark blond hair, glasses, and a septum piercing. She wears a collared shirt and stands in front of a brick wall.

Jess Star

Senior product designer, TeamSense (she/her)

Jess is a designer who thrives at the intersection of people, experience, and strategy. She is a mother to 70+ plants, an avid knitter, and a D&D nerd.


Headshot of Rachel Caldwell, a white woman with long brown hair, and red lips. She wears a leopard print scarf.

Rachel Caldwell

Content design lead in public sector (she/her)

Rachel’s journey led her to become a content design leader and head of practice for the Scottish Government—and after 13 years she finds herself at her most content.

Headshot of Laura Constantino, a person with curly dark blond hair, light skin, pink lipstick, and a black top with lace sleeves.

Laura Costantino

Senior AI content designer, Google (they/she)

Laura is a senior content designer and strategist working on AI and large language models (LLMs) at Google. Outside of work, Laura is committed to mentoring people transitioning into UX and tech, advocating for content, and sharing advice on LinkedIn.

Headshot of Tiffy Riel, an Asian American woman with long dark hair, small silver earrings, and a grey blazer.

Tiffy Riel

Product manager (she/her)

Tiffy makes complex ideas accessible for any audience. She’s a self-professed polymath with the privilege of working across the service value chain in male-dominated industries.

Hosted by Active Voice

Bold leaders. Better workplaces.

Since 2020, we’ve been helping people in tech and design understand who they are and how they lead—so they can speak up with confidence, build team resilience, and navigate challenges with ease.

We’re a tiny company with big ideas about how to change work—for good. And we can’t wait to get to know you. Learn more about us.

Flip the script. It’s time.